Since the incoming XML data just contains a flat list of elements, you'll group them by address in the stylesheet. 因为输入的XML数据包含统一的元素列表,所以在样式表中可以根据地址对这些元素进行分类。
These are references to a resource group service address. 这些是对资源组服务地址的引用。
It groups together data from similar attributes ( e.g., MEMADDR table would group address records). 它将来自相同属性的数据集合在一起(比如MEMADDR表会集合地址记录)。
We will also group the address and separate the telephone number and area code into its own group. 我们还将把地址放在一组,并将电话号码和区号放在另一组。
An interesting discussion on the Scrum Development group tries to address this concern and find some answers. 在Scrumdevelopment讨论组中对此话题展开了热烈讨论,力求找到问题答案。
The new rapid response facility stands alongside other efforts by the World Bank Group to address the global food crisis. 新的快速反应基金与世界银行集团的其它努力一道,共同应对全球食品危机。
In traditional multicast implementations, applications must join to an IP multicast group address because traffic is distributed to an entire IP multicast group. 在传统的组播网中,组播数据是根据组播组地址转发的,因此接收者必须加入一个组播组。
Apple, one of Foxconn's main customers, said a team from the US group was independently evaluating the steps the Taiwanese group was taking to address these tragic events and would continue inspections of the facilities where its products are made. 身为富士康主要客户之一的苹果公司(Apple)表示,它派出的一支小组正对富士康采取的应对此类悲剧性事件的举措进行独立评估。苹果公司还会继续实地考察为自己代工生产产品的工厂。
But since the members of the G20 account for the lion's share of global imbalances, they are, for now, the right inter-governmental group to address the issue at the highest political level. 不过,由于20国集团成员国对全球失衡负有最大责任,目前,他们是从最高政治层面解决该问题的合适政府间组织。
Invalid super users group e-mail address: { 0} 无效的超级用户组电子邮件地址:{0}
The last third of the nine week intensive summer session will be devoted to a group project to address some major challenge of humanity. 在九个星期密集夏季会议的最后第三个星期,将致力于一个团体项目,以解决一些人道的重大挑战。
The sort of the successive use of Group Address Forms should observe three basic principles: power principles, comity principles and subject principles. 群体称呼语连用的排序遵从的三条基本原则是:即权势原则,礼让原则和主体原则。
The firm said the group will address the large, scale, photovoltaic system solutions market, and will be headed by Jens Meyerhoff. 该公司表示,该集团将由迈尔霍夫领导,专注于大规模光伏系统解决方案市场。
You can add to a group in three ways: select someone from your address book, add a new contact for the group and your address book, or add someone to the group but not to your address book. 有三种方式可以在组中添加成员:从通讯簿中选择某人,为组和通讯簿添加新联系人,或者将某人添加到组中,但不添加到通讯簿中。
Verify that the user or group e-mail address or domain name is valid. 请确认用户或组电子邮件地址或域名有效。
The user inherits the template settings. The template contains group memberships, address information, and server access. 用户继承模板的设置。模板包含组成员身份,地址信息和服务器访问。
This is the sixth time I stand before you as President of the World Bank Group& my first address in my second term as President. 这是我第六次作为世界银行行长站在大家面前,也是我连任以后的第一次讲话。
Group Address forms can often be used successively due to the effect of age culture and communicative psychology in addition to the self-complexity of reception group. 由于受话群体本身的复杂性,加之时代文化和交际心理的影响,群体称呼语经常可以连用。
He also took the opportunity to learn about the challenges the country is facing and how the partnership with the World Bank Group is helping to address them. 同时,他还顺便了解了俄罗斯目前正面临的诸多挑战以及与世界银行集团的合作关系如何帮助该国应对这些挑战。
Multicast technology includes a number of aspects, such as multicast group, multicast address, multicast protocols, multicast reliability, multicast security, etc. 组播技术包括了组播组、组播地址、组播协议、组播可靠性和组播安全性等很多方面的内容。
It's an efficient way to deliver IP data package from one source to more destination, send the copy of information to a group of address, to all the recipients at the same time. IP组播是面向组接收者的有效数据通信方式,利用一种协议将IP数据包从一个源传送到多个目的地,将信息的拷贝发送到一组地址,到达所有想要接收它的接收者处。
Also explains the communication mechanism of EIB network based on Group Address. 对EIB总线的组地址通信机制进行了研究分析。
The model also defines object group address, which supports message multicast and implements "I-to-n" communication model. 模型还定义了对象组地址,支持消息组播,实现了一对多的通信模式。
The present article is divided into five chapters to expound QoS based DiffServ in Group address IP network study. 本文共分五章来论述IP骨干网络中基于DiffServ机制的QOS部署。
The Method of IP Group Address Communication Based on Winsock 基于WinsockIP多目地址通信方法
By changing the group address in the SSM channel at non-fixed periods, it prevents the malicious hosts from tracing and joining an SSM channel, receiving the traffic and initiating DoS attack against multicast routing infrastructure. 通过以不定长周期改变特定源组播频道的组地址,解决了阻止恶意主机跟踪、加入特定源组播频道接收组播流量、对组播路由基础设施实施DoS攻击等问题。
The simulation, comparison and analysis results show that the protocols and schemes proposed by this thesis are simple, feasible and easy to be implemented, and they also have preferable features in scalability, security, stage-by-stage deployment, and group address management. 仿真实验和比较分析表明,本文提出的协议和方案简单、可行、易于实现,在可扩展性、安全性、支持逐步部署、组地址管理分配等方面具有独特的优势。
And the only physical address of the different components can each be given one or more group address. 和物理地址的唯一性不同,每一个元件可以被赋予一个或多个组地址。
In fact, the group address is used for communications purposes. 事实上,组地址是用来进行通讯用的。
The traditional IP multicast is a model of Any Source Multicast ( ASM). When a client intends to receive multicast data packets; it will issue a report packet indicating the group address which it wants to join. Any sender can send multicast packets to it. 传统的IP组播技术是一种任意源组播模型,客户端在点播组播数据时,仅仅指明所要加入的组播组地址,任何一个源地址都可以向该组播组地址发送组播数据报文。